The South Wales DA Committee
The Committee are the volunteers who run your local DA , they invest their time, effort and imagination to make sure our DA is a success.
There are many roles within the committee, and any official titles are given below. However each and every member of the committee makes a highly valued contribution to the running of the club.
We are always looking for people to help out.
Committee members are elected at our AGM which usually takes place at Easter.
I am delighted to present the South Wales DA Committee of 2024-2025!
A welcoming message from the Committee
On behalf of your committee, welcome to 2024!
We are a very warm and welcoming social group of campers from all walks of life. We accept all types of units from tents to RV’s and everything in-between, whether large or small!
Our committee is dedicated to take the club forward. With a mix of knowledge and experience that we are always happy to share to enhance the camping experience for you, the members.

The help of our members is always appreciated, whether that’s stewarding our meets (without Stewards the meets couldn’t go ahead), or just offering a helping hand with our activities or to help out fellow members in times of need.
We start our camping year early, often with booked meets where we try to provide electric hook-up and hard standing pitches.
Our Annual General Meeting is usually held over four nights at Easter in Carmarthen.
During the year, we meet at various sites dotted around South Wales, please see our sites list for further details. There is usually something for everyone.

For those who struggle without electric and would like to know more about going green with solar energy, we have a vast knowledge within the committee to help with all enquiries and problems (there’s always an engineer close at hand).

Often there is a local watering hole within walking distance that will offer local, traditional drinking and dining for those who prefer to dine out.
Our aim is to provide low cost, affordable and enjoyable camping for all Camping & Caravanning Club members at various locations across the M4 corridor and the Brecon Beacons taking in local attractions, festivals and sites of historical importance for all ages.
We look forward to seeing you in a field soon.
Many thanks for taking the time to visit our website.